BP Gun Public celebrations in American municipalities large and small, from coast to coast, were interrupted Thursday by nuclear assault.  The incidents were so widespread they could not be ignored by the slavish mainstream media, who named their usual “terrorism” suspects:  al Qaeda, the fictional radical Islamists perennially at odds with Israel.  Painting the right public enemy is a crucial part of the plan.

TBarry O'Puppet Soroshis is the reason a Black man occupies the Office of President — to further the goal of racial resentment leading to tighter control.  The incidents today were all about control.  Psy-ops is the nickname given them, for psychological operations.  They are meant to instill mass public fear.

The media did their best to hush the telling of these dramas, portraying them as isolated and localized, and they covered the spectrum to make that possible.   The plan in San Francisco was to break away from live TV coverage of a ML Baseball game nearby to show the mushroom cloud of nuclear destruction rise from the Golden Gate Bridge, which was badly


damaged.  The main span and iconic

Bob Dudley, BP

towers remain.

obama dead bird

BP Executives


I have just received vital information regarding two astronomical events about to take place in Japan on the main island of Honshu.  They involve meteorite strikes from relatively small objects, but the  resulting damage will be extensive.

The first event will occur shortly,  at 1:10 pm Monday, June 30, 2013 local Nagoya time.  It will strike a LNGLiquified Natural Gas — storage facility near Nagoya, 260 km west-southwest of Tokyo.   The impact will produce massive blasts igniting the facility and much of the surrounding area causing extensive explosive and incendiary damage with a high toll in human fatalities, property and structural loss. It will effect a huge area of 8,000 square kilometers between Nagoya and Tokyo.

Downtown OsakaThe second event, also the result of a meteorite impact on downtown Osaka, one of the world’s busiest and most expensive cities, will strike at 1:35 pm Saturday, July 6, 2013.

Prepare, dear ones.  The signs grow more insistent  by the week.


Pope resigned

Woe Is We

What follows may shock many Catholics, but time as it runs short also heals.  Remember, the truth will set you free!  …But first, it will really piss you off.

Let me get a few things straight right now: I WAS a Roman Catholic, and love the true Church in principle.  Despite a childhood in Washington, D.C., I did NOT believe in Satan until recent events proved to me broader truths of our world.  I have studied hard evidence there are many people in the very highest of places who DO believe in that Great Deceiver; in fact, avidly worship him.  The highest tiers of Free Masonry are one example.  The first papal resignation in nearly 600 years was one recent very real result.

Jerusalem - JP2 On Satan's Throne?

JPII Bold in Jerusalem – Satan’s Throne?

I write this not to attack Catholicism; the Church itself excels at that.  I was raised loosely Catholic, until collapsing at 16 when I saw through the pretense in the middle of Mass and fled in horror.  I was an atheist for decades, until I experienced divinity in a vision in 2006, but I have friends in the fold and this is meant for them and those like them, and for all who may avert tragedy and benefit from my experience.

Shocking realities planned to soon be disclosed by the Vatican will rock long-held beliefs to their core.  In times of global change – and the one we are now in is as radical as they get – it is important to be aware of related changes in paradigms; in realities and entities too powerful to ignore with impunity.  Many are unpleasant and upsetting.  Deception is even more rampant in the world today than it lately has been.  This ramping up of deceit will continue to intensify, I fear, making personal discernment and caution correspondingly crucial.

The Catholic Church, Inc. that Catholicism has become, like all corporate powers, supercedes religion and human needs.  It denies God and humanity everywhere it can.  A super-corporate City-State, the world’s largest by far rivaling in wealth and real property even the richest of nations, it is a corporation like all others: masquerading as faith.   As in every corporation, profit is its sole concern.  Its currency, the human soul.  Corruption is the inevitable result.  And from that taint grew the pedophelia-spawning Satanism foretold by the Third Fatima Secret, so long hidden by the Vatican.  Priests must shelter their pedophile brethren under threat of excommunication.


More Curious Goings On; Peculiar Indeed

Fear of dealing with that secret was the main reason Ratzinger (Benedict XVI’s actual surname – telling?) resigned the papacy earlier this year.  At Fatima (in the 1930s), it was revealed that the Pope and Catholic Church would soon be controlled by Satan.  The right-wing Jesuit group Opus Dei, in fact, would  more correctly be called Opus Luciferi, for that is the true nature of its agendaIt is in the ancient subterranian labyrinth beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, of ossuaries, crypts, and mausoleums hidden deep underground, that Vatican insiders do a darker dance – the real business of Catholicism… the Roman Curious.


John Paul II – In Life, and (left) In Bonfire In Poland, Months After His Death

Pope John Paul II, whose immediate predecessor was secretly murdered, by the way, delivered a major address in Israel, in March 2000, on Jerusalem’s Sermon (On the) Mount, from a throne that bore an inverted (Satanic) cross.  Why?  The Church, infected long before Vatican II, has been filthy with demons since; this contagion extends far beyond Rome, to the highest levels of world governments, especially Western.   All of this points out how critical it now is to guard, religiously, against deception… everywhere.  Vigilance is imperative in matters of eternity.


Official Deception Is Rampant and On the Rise – Note the Pyramid Bankster Illuminati Eye

Think about it, if you can.  Don’t believe me?  Good!  You’re catching on.  Try this: Google “satanic pope” and you might be shocked at images you see.  Remember too as you search: keep in mind the importance of symbolism in Catholicism and Masonic ritual.  There is sudden recent talk from the Vatican of ETs coming.  Something diabolical is in the works, here.  Beware.

Ratzinger’s tenure at the helm of the Vatican Ship of State is not unlike that of another wreckless navigator, Capt. Francesco Schettino of Costa Concordia cuise ship infamy last year, also in Italy.  As Benedict XVI, Ratzinger has steered the Church toward a similar rendezvous-with-the-rocks of destiny.  The human toll, however, will be far more disastrous for his faithful ovines, who are largely unaware of lupine treachery from those they trust the most, let alone that they are being led to slaughter.

My recent research into ETs, UFOs, and the new paradigm that’s rapidly developing – particularly Pope Benedict’s resignation – led me to St. Malachy of Armagh and his 12th Prophecy of the Popes, in which St. Malachy saw enumerated in a vision all 112 pontiffs, each identified by a unique signature phrase, of which Benedict XVI was the penultimate immediately preceeding the final Pope, Petrus Romanus, at the end of whose reign the city ofRome would be destroyed.”

Demon from the Vatican Vaults

From Vatican Vaults – A Saintly Relic?

Petrus Romanus, or “Peter of Rome,” seems at the moment to be Peter Cardinal Turkson of Ghana, the early front-runner in media speculation on the upcoming Conclave to become the Bible’s false-prophet sidekick of the Anti-Christ, in Apocalyptic End-Times jargon.  A vain Turkson, who last week publicly announced his desire to be Pope – anathema, in the past – appears to possess the requisite Luciferian attributes and to be prepared to pull off the great apostacy foretold by the Blessed Mother at Fatima.

A friend scoffed recently and told me, “No one can predict the future!”  I reminded him of Einstein, and that time and space are a single fabric that can be manipulated, making “time travel” a very real possibility.  I have lately seen sufficient evidence to convince me that some prophecy is indeed true, as in divinely inspired.

That research also led me to renewed appreciation of the Bible as historical document.   It also has given me further insights to divinity, and reconfirmed old doubts I had about segments of Biblical text corrupted at the 1st Council of Nicea, in AD 325.  Clearly, one element of omniscience is how to keep me on my toes.  It has all brought me further appreciation of Scripture in general, which I can see with new eyes now having been away from it since adolescence.  Fifty roundtrips of life lived amount to a powerful   interpretational aid.  The same stories read 50 years apart deliver new insights that make me wonder how and why I could have overlooked them so long.  Still unresolved are problems I have with the mainstream’s Bible.

Cardinals Roosting in Sistine Chapel, 2005

College of Cardinals in Sistine Chapel, 2005. Click Image for Sistine Ceiling Views with Gregorian Chant.

The coming years will see this brazen New Church: the Spread-Legged Whore of Babylon, Baltimore, Bangkok, Beirut, Berlin, Binghamton, Birmingham….  The new Pope, Petrus Romanus, will doubtless be in league with the US President, with one-world government and far worse deceptions in mind.  The Bible, irrelevant?


Hint of Higher Ire?

The book Petrus Romanus mentioned above, by Thomas Horn and Chris Putnam, was released last year and looks gently – the authors are Christians – at the Vatican, examining particularly the Prophecy of the Popes.  The authors discuss St. Malachy’s vision at great length, and are at work on a new volume exploring Vatican ties to ETs.  Sudden Vatican interest in that topic should ring alarm bells off the hook.  Something despicable, diabolic, is in the wind, possibly including false ET gods or messiah.  This, coming from the Vatican, mind you.

And, they have a live cam on a dead Pope!  A 24-hour video watch of John Paul II’s tomb is being operated by the Vatican, seriously, presumably to record the late Pope’s imminent resurrection.  Don’t put anything past them.  It fits with “Revelations” prophecy.  But keep a wary eye out for astonishing breaking news.

It may be a rough sail ahead for the world’s Catholics – for people of all faiths and none – while the winds of change roil waters.  The coming months may overwhelm some with confusion; your beliefs – your very faith in God – will be challenged.  Deception is everywhere, especially in all mainstream media – the elite cabal’s pride and joy, and greatest tool in controlling the minds of their subjects.

If I told what little I know about what is instore for the world; about the extent of their armory, I would be laughed off the internet and killed by the “good guys.”  As it is, the bad guys will kill me anyway, I expect.  Lucifer hates truth; they obey him.   But I’ve said enough, for now.

In closing, I wish all peace in the Almighty.  I have nothing for sale nor agendas to push.  Do not fear the future but be prepared.  Be  strong and of good courage.  …The truth will set you free.  But only after it pisses you off.

P.S. – I owe thanks to the late Fr. Malachi Martin, S.J., Vatican exorcist and author, with whom I share a birthdate and to whom I send my love and gratitude for his priceless insight and grace.

Leave your comments, or e-mail me.

Many thanks.



Benjamin Fulford

Reads like the front page of a supermarket tabloid.  Those Looneytoon checkout counter headlines were carefully designed to mentally prepare America for the day the truth began to creep out.  Just in case.  ‘Cause what’s hidden behind the Oz curtain is creepier than any tabloid.  Must See VIDEO:  Warning: this is not for the faint-of-heart.  Because it is so creepy the perps were comfortably secure.  They knew no one would ever believe it.  Not one sane soul!  It was their private sick joke; the ultimate insider scoop.  Until a brave few risked their lives and began to shed some light on the darkness.  Many thousands more were murdered and vanished anonymously, but this power trip is nasty business and that’s just a part of the ritual.  There is one very good reason why conspiracy theory is popular: occasional truth.

I fully appreciate the gravity of this matter and the importance of reporting it responsibly. I had a life-changing experience 7 years ago, a vision that awakened me to a larger consciousness and to the divinity within myself and in every living being.  It also gave me responsibilities: to myself, to others, and to truth.  I believe in God, not religion; one has little to do with the other.  My priests are quantum physicists, not bishops.  I am not bound to or within a corporate box, and live happily — and, in poverty — as a result.  I have nothing to gain by distortion and lies, and everything to gain exposing them for the greater human good.  With truth.

Positive change, especially on a global societal scale, seems to occur at a snail’s pace and thus can be difficult to detect initially.  However, a situation as extraordinary as any ever encountered by the human species is now at hand, and is dragging from their castles kicking and screaming small but fundamentally controlling financial interests to affect positive beneficial change at a swifter pace.  That this is finally happening at all is largely a result – astrology aside – of their criminal activities being exposed to the light of day.  They knew that if word got out they would have to run for it.  Fast and hard.  They are running now like the proverbial rats from sinking ships.  The Bushes are at the head of the rat pack.

Netherlands Queen Beatrix, of the Bilderbergers, recently announced her impending, April 30, abdication.  She went gracefully.  Many others are creatures of lesser breeding and will not be so civilized in their response.  Some factions have already resorted to using nuclear weaponry, albeit underground and undersea.  That odd “Virginia earthquake” of August, 2011 has been proven by seismograph to have had an artificial source, and Fulford’s Pentagon sources offered further corroboration.  The Fukushima reactor near-meltdown, with “earthquake” and tsunamis in Japan in March, 2011, was no natural disaster.  It was a direct result of negative reaction to Benjamin Fulford’s work, the subject of this post.  Fulford has the evidence to prove it.  (The link here is to a remarkable YouTube video in which Fulford appears with the Ninja king Chodoin Daikaku and Alexander Romanov to plead their case against the banksters.)


Benedict XVI and Bent Crucifix

This all may sound like wild speculation, but if one examines the facts — evidence —  it is clear that the perps are also the owners of EVERY major mass media outlet, and they can and do effectively control the public mind, significantly shaping public opinion and its view of reality.  Thanks to the Internet, though, which they have scrambled fiercely to control, so far unsuccessfully, light has been shed on their dark plan and they are running scared.

As entrenched global remnants of a degenerate race of inbred genocidal despots crumble and flee, as pillars of the status quo quake and tremble, I recently recalled my stunning realization in college on first glimpsing the world at large: the appallingly low esteem in which the human species was regarded, and forced to regard itself; I saw that its masters – the powers that had been actually looked upon human beings as low-lifes; as a trash race of mongrel slaves.  That they had valid reasons to do so is beside the point.  The very structure of daily existence – The System – was clearly designed to imprint that reality and relentlessly hammer it in at every opportunity banishing any notion that divinity – even a tiny glorious spark – lurked within each individual.

In this remarkable video, and many others of Mr. Fulford available on YouTube, you can trace the week-by-week progress of his efforts to literally save the world from this diabolical conspiracy.  Among them is a telling interview with David Rockefeller in Tokyo, Fulford’s home, in which he cleverly deconstructs segments of the Rockefeller responses.  Fulford had for 6 years been the Asia/Pacific Editor for Forbes Magazine and, shortly after his Rockefeller interview was printed, was offered by the Free Masons – in a typical effort to silence foes – the position of Finance Minister of Japan, ostensibly joining the other side and selling his soul to them in the process – more modus operandi.  He declined.  But only after surviving a dozen assassination attempts and myriad “dirty tricks” meant to discredit him and destroy his reputation and career.

cross2In total, the cabal has roughly a million members worldwode, far fewer in active management.  There are many and varied factions scattered throughout the world, all involving ancient noble bloodlines, aristocracy, banking and – other persistent common threads – pedophilia and Satan worship; oddly, the latter two are particularly rampant in the VaticanPope Benedict XVI, in fact all modern pontifs since Vatican II, have frequently been photographed with common apparently well-known Satanic symbols and imagery – Masonic hand signals, inverted crosses, the famous “Bent Cross,” etc. – were flagrantly and even brazenly displayed.

A recent novel, Petrus Romanus written by three Christian appologists, describes the Prophecy of the Popes by St. Malachy of Armagh who, in a vision on his way to Rome in the 12th C, saw all past and future pontifs.  The current one, Benedict XVI, immediately preceded the final Pope – ostensibly the anti-Christ.  In short, the Vatican is currently a veritable, pardon the pun, hotbed of Satanists.  As a Collapsed Catholic, this observer was more disappointed than surprised.

As evidenced in the video by Mr. Romanov – the great-grandson of the last Russian Emperor, Tsar Nicholas II – there are many “good guys” among this criminal elite; they are the overwhelming majority in fact but consist essentially of the nonviolent among them, who are happy to keep their billions while relinquishing power.  Power is the central issue here, not wealth.  Control.  It is there that pedophilia, that got totally out of control in the Vatican, enters the picture replete with child sacrifice, as demonstrated graphically and famously at the annual Bohemian Grove conclave north of San Francisco, where Satanism rules.

bilderberg0mnBut this delves darker than I wish to go at the moment; this information is all in the public domain and readily available, on YouTube and elsewhere, to the curious researcher.  I want only to open drowsy eyes and to plant a seed of curiosity in inquisitive minds.  Just brace yourself, and bear in mind that this transformation of the planet will usher in a new world of light, creativity and promise, with abundant free clean energy, an oil-free environment, and banishment of poverty, hunger,  and endless wars.

The true reality is vastly different than the one we have been led to believe.  However, the knowledge I learned about this deception these past 2 months made events I had seen over 60 years of a lifetime come together and gel perfectly.  It solved, with a single solution, every “worst moment” of my American timeline – the Kennedy assassinations, M. L. King, 9-11, Pearl Harbor….  One global source was responsible, an axis of evil, oddly enough – the  burning Bushes.  Hallelujah!

As I write this, I just saw on TV news that Pope Benedict XVI has announced his retirement.  St. Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes is playing out.  Accordingly, the next Pope will be the last.  Watch, in the rituals to come, the Vatican Bank and the Vatican Observatory — and its telescope oddly named LUCIFER — for coming news.  They should soon have an announcement regarding Extra-Terrestrial beings!  Seriously.  Big shakeups are instore for Catholics… and Christians in general in terms of ET disclosure.  You won’t find it in mainstream media news, earth-shattering though it is.  The events are ready for Prime Time but the networks aren’t.

BTW – Fulford has hard evidence, for example, of US Black-Ops involvement in generating the Fukishima HAARP-assisted and nuclear detonation-induced earthquake in March, 2011, that rocked and flooded Japan with massive tsunamis, and nearly caused a China Syndrome nuclear meltdown.

Please, leave a comment.  Thanks for reading.

PS – A horrifying, and chilling for any conscious being, Illuminati/Illumi-Corp “Training” video is on view on YouTube.  It’s worth a look:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr7FJohm68o&feature=endscreen&NR=1